Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Scooped! NYSEF SJ/NC Interviews Danielle Lussi

Danielle, we'd like to sit down and get to know the girl behind the graphite and teal suit.Find out what's tickin'. First off, congratulations on being the valedictorian of your senior class and your recent acceptance to Harvard. We hear they have a pretty good ski jumping program. What's your secret to balancing training, travel, and that super-annoying schoolwork?

The key to balancing training, travel and super-annoying homework is definately procrastination. You should always leave things off until the last second because the most quality work is done under pressure. Ok, thats a lie, as a student athlete you should be sure to have great communication with your teachers and let them know well ahead of time when you will be missing their class so they don't take it personally when you're off galavanting on a ski jumping trip. Pluses of the situation also inclued a) starting your homework and missed classwork shinanigans before you leave b) getting a headstart on assignments while away c) people will automatically put their trust in you as a responsible young student.

We're giving you $8 to buy anything you want in the Price Chopper cereal/breakfast foods aisle. What's it gonna be?

Cereal and breakfast food aisle favorites definately include a mixture of Aldi's knockoff Special K with Red Berries, Marshmallow Matey's and of course a highly professional smoothie directly out of the kitchen of Frenette and Lussi Industries. (Call me or Annie for some tips on how to make the most delicious blended creation on the face of the Earth, yes they rival and beat Starbucks Strawberries and Cream Frapaccinos)

Good. This isn't real. We don't have $8 for you to borrow anyway. Speaking of which,
rent is due. Do you have $50? Seriously though, what's your favorite jump hill. Why?

Favorite ski jumping hill: Steamboat Springs, Colorado’s lovely K68 for sure. I am currently there and loving every minute jumping at this spectacular venue. [I decided not to tease the up and coming jumpers with Salisbury, Connecticuts’ K64, as it has recently been knocked over and burned to the ground]

Where do you see yourself in 8 years? Sailing in the Mediterranean? Building rockets? Still involved with ski jumping? Give us the big picture.

In eight years I will be just returning from my Europe Tour with my darling sister Nina after finally gave up on try to graduate from college. I will be married with six children and will have finally invented a plug for the oil spill with my engineering talents. Oh and my husband discovered the seed and cultivation methods of the infamous money tree so feel free to come over and pluck a couple bills from the branches.

Okay, good. We have some openings in the Grasshopper Staff for next weekend's camp. We'd be happy to offer you a 3 year internship. It's a great way to get involved at the ground level, plenty of upward mobility. Heck, in a few years YOU could be the CEO of the NYSEF blog. Yes?

One can only dream.

Thanks D$! You rock. Best of luck in the Saturday Series, and of course in Cambridge this fall. We'll be rooting for ya.

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